Why Does the Sun Appear Reddish Early in the Morning?

Why Does the Sun Appear Reddish Early in the Morning?

One of the best things is to sit and watch the rising sun while you sip on a cup of coffee or catch a ride to get to work. If you have been observant, you will notice the sun appears to be reddish when it rises in the morning. And the sun appears to be…

What are Sunspots and How are Sunspots Formed?

What are Sunspots and How are Sunspots Formed?

Sunspots are temporary phenomena that occur on the Sun’s photosphere which appear as spots darker than the areas surrounding it. These regions reduce the surface temperature which are caused by concentrations of magnetic field flux and inhibit convection. Sunspots usually appear in pairs of opposite magnetic polarity. The numbers of these sunspots vary per year….

What is Solar Eclipse and Various Types of Solar Eclipse

What is Solar Eclipse and Various Types of Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon gets in between the Sun and the Earth. Some solar eclipses may be termed partial solar eclipse or full solar eclipse depending on whether the Moon partially or completely blocks the Sun. Syzygy is the term used when the Sun and a new moon are in conjunction as…

40+ Stupendous Facts About the Sun

40+ Stupendous Facts About the Sun

The Sun controls all aspects of our lives: Our food, our climates, and our bodies. We literally live inside the Sun’s atmosphere. We, as well as other planets, satellites, and other objects in the solar system, are greatly influenced by the Sun. The Sun is growing more powerful every day and scientists project that in…