15 Serious Threats to the Rainforest That You Should Know

15 Serious Threats to the Rainforest That You Should Know

Initially, about 200 years ago, over 14 percent of the earth’s land was covered by rainforest. Today, only about 6 percent is left. This change has been caused by the massive destruction of the rainforest. The loss of the forest is known as deforestation. As the population grows, the demand for timber and land increases….

What is Flora and Fauna and Importance of Flora and Fauna

What is Flora and Fauna and Importance of Flora and Fauna

The physical world is composed of living and non-living things. They are generally referred to as the biotic and the abiotic. The abiotic is the physical objects like rivers, mountains, volcanoes and water-bodies. The biotic is the world of flora and fauna. Flora The word “flora” is used to designate plant life. The word “flora”…

8 Fantastic Solutions to Deforestation

8 Fantastic Solutions to Deforestation

Trees play a vital role in protecting our environment in several ways. Fewer forests mean that the sustainability of our planet earth is endangered. So far, there are actions and measures that are being undertaken to curtail deforestation, a move towards saving our natural environment and repairing the damage that has been caused for more…

10 Reasons To Prove That Climate Change is a Hoax

10 Reasons To Prove That Climate Change is a Hoax

It was Al Gore who began the fuss over climate change and global warming a few years ago. In 2014, it was predicted that we would start to see some of the effects of the wagon. Some said that it would be the hottest year that we have ever had, but the fact of the…