25+ Amazing Facts About the Lunar Eclipse

25+ Amazing Facts About the Lunar Eclipse

Perhaps you have already encountered the full moon changing its natural off-white color into a bloody red hue. This might seem terrifying, especially if people have no idea of such occurrence. Sufficient knowledge would allow one to understand that such spectacle is only a lunar eclipse. What is a Lunar Eclipse? A lunar eclipse is…

What is Solar Eclipse and Various Types of Solar Eclipse

What is Solar Eclipse and Various Types of Solar Eclipse

A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon gets in between the Sun and the Earth. Some solar eclipses may be termed partial solar eclipse or full solar eclipse depending on whether the Moon partially or completely blocks the Sun. Syzygy is the term used when the Sun and a new moon are in conjunction as…

49 Breathtaking Facts About the Moon You Can’t afford To Miss

49 Breathtaking Facts About the Moon You Can’t afford To Miss

To almost everyone, the moon appears to be a constantly changing celestial neighbor and only natural satellite, but it has pretty much remained unchanged over time, plus there are a plethora of satellites roaming the solar system. While the moon has remained unchanged through time, our understanding of it has grown profoundly. Credit to new…