Why Do Some Rivers Change Their Course?

Why Do Some Rivers Change Their Course?

Rivers are natural water bodies that flow from one place to another. However, at certain time intervals, rivers change their course and move in different directions. There are some evident reasons why this happens, and some unknown reasons are there that lead to the change of course. In this article, we will be discussing why…

What is Weathering and Erosion (For Kids)? Types of Weathering and Erosion

What is Weathering and Erosion (For Kids)? Types of Weathering and Erosion

Erosion is the process of constant disintegration of rocks and surfaces due to physical factors like wind, ice, water, and climate change. Thus it is just the opposite of deposition, a process by which particles get deposited at a place by some physical factors. Erosion is also the opposite process of siltation.  Weathering, on the…

20+ Reasons For Importance of Trees For Kids in Our Life

20+ Reasons For Importance of Trees For Kids in Our Life

Trees are of particularly high significance in the environment. They function in purifying the air we breathe (by replacing our exhaled Carbon dioxide with Oxygen). They, as well as function significantly in various industrial processes (e.g Papermaking) and recreation centers. While this information may not difficult to grasp by older people, it is quite tricky…

How are Rivers Formed and Why Rivers Are Important For Us

How are Rivers Formed and Why Rivers Are Important For Us

The river is a natural stream of flowing water with a significant volume of freshwater. Rivers are found everywhere, on every land, and every continent. They start from source or headwater areas such as springs, glaciers, and flow in meandering paths at different speeds. Finally, they discharge into a larger river, or lakes, or most…

How are Waterfalls Formed and 25+ Wondrous Facts About the Waterfalls

How are Waterfalls Formed and 25+ Wondrous Facts About the Waterfalls

When a river or any other body of water starts falling almost vertically over an edge of a rocky surface, it is known as waterfall. Also known as cascade, a waterfall usually takes a steep plunge into a pool below. Waterfalls generally represent a major interruption of a course of a river by following the…

Plain Landform: Types, Location and Importance

Plain Landform: Types, Location and Importance

First and foremost, the term ‘landform’ refers to all the features on the Earth’s surface which are of natural origin. They are naturally occurring formations or areas of land. There are four major types of landforms. They are: Mountains, Plateaus, Hills and Plains. Below is a discussion about plain landform, its types, location and importance….

15 Wonderful Methods to Control Erosion

15 Wonderful Methods to Control Erosion

Over one billion tons of topsoil are lost every year due to erosion. According to the Department of Agriculture in the United States, soil erosion is a major disaster for agricultural development. Soil erosion does not only take away precious topsoil but also causes pollution in waterways, landslide, and an increased flooding risk. This urgently…

Sandstorms: Causes, Effects and Interesting Facts

Sandstorms: Causes, Effects and Interesting Facts

We may have heard about sandstorms at one point in our lives. While it is common knowledge that it comprises of sand and that it could cause several adverse effects towards the environment and the well-being of the people, there are still a lot of things that we do not know about the phenomenon. On…

Sinkholes: How Do They Form and Types of Sinkholes

Sinkholes: How Do They Form and Types of Sinkholes

According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), sinkholes are pits in the ground that occur in areas where water collects without external drainage. Essentially, a sinkhole is any hole in the ground formed by erosion and the drainage of water. It can be just a few meters across or large enough to swallow a…

Causes, Effects and Types of Erosion (Water, Wind, Glacier)

Causes, Effects and Types of Erosion (Water, Wind, Glacier)

When you stand at a vantage point of space, you’ll be treated to an array of breathtaking landforms. However, these beautiful pieces of nature can only qualify as landforms if nature created them. This means human-made dams, vehicles, and buildings cannot be called landforms. Mountains, hills, plains, plateaus, beaches, sea stacks and canyons all qualify…

What is a Sand Dune: Formation and Types of Sand Dunes

What is a Sand Dune: Formation and Types of Sand Dunes

Sand dunes are some of nature’s most scintillating creations. These eye-catching land masses are found around the globe in different climatic conditions. They are not only limited to deserts, but can form in any landscape on the earth’s surface provided the conditions are right. Every sand dune is formed as a result of the interaction…

What is a Canyon Landform: Formation, Location, Examples and Facts

What is a Canyon Landform: Formation, Location, Examples and Facts

If you look out of your window, you’ll probably see buildings, trees, telephone poles and so on. The world we live in today has mostly been shaped by humans. However, it’s not only humans that are moving things and shaping the planet. Rain, wind, and other natural elements shape the earth all the time, leaving…

What is a Desert Landform: Features and Main Landforms in a Desert

What is a Desert Landform: Features and Main Landforms in a Desert

There is a wide range of landforms on the planet. While some landforms like mountains and forests are beautiful, others such as swamps and deserts are not that pleasant. However, we as humans are lucky to have an infinite number of landforms to view. Desert, in particular, is one kind of landform that humans dislike…