What is Coriolis Effect and How it Affects Global Wind Patterns

What is Coriolis Effect and How it Affects Global Wind Patterns

‘Coriolis effect’ or Coriolis force can be defined simply as deflection of wind. Winds and ocean currents are in constant motion. This movement does not follow a straight line but bends and curves. This is the Coriolis effect which is noticeable in the curvature of global winds, and all that is free flowing across the…

What are the Winds, How Do They Form and Types of Winds?

What are the Winds, How Do They Form and Types of Winds?

Wind can be defined as air currents or moving mass of air from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas. Typically, air under high pressure normally moves towards areas under low pressure. Thus, the greater the pressure difference, the faster the flow of air which creates moving air with a considerably strong force. The bulk movement of…