5 Oceans of the World (Indian, Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific & Antarctic)

5 Oceans of the World (Indian, Atlantic, Arctic, Pacific & Antarctic)

Up to the present time, when it comes to discussions about the earth’s surface cover, most of it is covered by water. About 70% of the entire earth’s surface is overlaid with water, most of which are the oceans. Out of the total water surface on earth, more than 96% is the ocean’s salty water….

7 Continents of the World (Countries and Area Size)

7 Continents of the World (Countries and Area Size)

The planet earth is made up of vast landmasses, which makes up where all human beings live. Among all the planets in the solar system, the earth offers the most diverse landmass features. These landmasses are known as continents covering 1/3rd area of the planet. According to the Pangaea Theory, the earth was originally one…

What are the Winds, How Do They Form and Types of Winds?

What are the Winds, How Do They Form and Types of Winds?

Wind can be defined as air currents or moving mass of air from high-pressure areas to low-pressure areas. Typically, air under high pressure normally moves towards areas under low pressure. Thus, the greater the pressure difference, the faster the flow of air which creates moving air with a considerably strong force. The bulk movement of…

What are the Clouds, How Do They Form and Different Types of Clouds

What are the Clouds, How Do They Form and Different Types of Clouds

Clouds are composed of ice crystals or water drops suspended and drifting in the sky at considerably high altitudes. The water droplets are very minute with a diameter of roughly a hundredth of a millimeter. This means that each cubic meter of air is made up of about 100 million droplets. The composition of ice…