The Art of Minimalism – 7 Reasons Why Less Is More

The Art of Minimalism – 7 Reasons Why Less Is More

Whether appreciating benefits of nowadays or not, the fact is that we live in the age of abundance. Our lifestyle is dramatically different than the way of life of our recent ancestors due only to the possibility of countless choices that we have upon us every given day. Too much of everything can be too…

Radiant Energy: How Does it Work , Examples and Interesting Facts

Radiant Energy: How Does it Work , Examples and Interesting Facts

Energy can be potential or kinetic. Radiant energy is a form of Kinetic energy. Movement of atoms, molecules, objects, wave, and substance is connected to a Kinetic energy. Kinetic energy can be in many different forms like sound, thermal energy, motion, electric energy, etc. Radiant energy is very important for example, there would be no…

What is Potential Energy: Types and Facts

What is Potential Energy: Types and Facts

Many different forms of energy can be called a Potential energy. Each one of these forms of energy is connected with a force that acts accordingly to the characteristic of the matter (mass, elasticity, temperature and electric charge). Potential energy can be described as 3 characteristics that a specific object has. The shape of an…

Chemical Energy: Examples, Sources and Facts

Chemical Energy: Examples, Sources and Facts

Chemical energy is one of the various forms energy can take, including kinetic energy, mechanical energy, and thermal energy. It is energy stored in the bonds of chemical compounds, such as sugar and gasoline. It is one of the most convenient forms we have for storing energy. Chemical energy comes in different forms and may…

Mechanical Energy: Forms, Examples and Facts

Mechanical Energy: Forms, Examples and Facts

Whether you are running a hundred meter-long track, or just lying aimlessly on your bed, one thing remains true: you are doing work. In doing such work, you are employing a particular form of energy which enables you to move or stay in position. This form of energy is called mechanical energy. Mechanical energy is…

What is Electrical Energy? – Working, Examples and Facts

What is Electrical Energy? – Working, Examples and Facts

In this generation, using electricity is as significant as any other human need including food and water. The moment you charge your phones or turn your televisions on, energy is already being converted to allow your gadgets to function. Electricity is significant because it addresses the needs of our homes and businesses. It could also play…

10 Easy and Simple Additions to Make Your Home “SMART”

10 Easy and Simple Additions to Make Your Home “SMART”

It’s becoming easier and easier for people to start automating their homes with technology. Since there’s not a shortage of companies and start up ventures rolling out products like automated lights, thermostats, and air conditioners, turning a home ‘SMART’ can be a relatively simple process. Keep reading for 10 easy things you can do to…

Composting as a Waste Recycling Technique

Composting as a Waste Recycling Technique

Recycling of organic waste for the purpose of improving crop productivity and for maintenance of soil quality is of very high economic importance. Composting can be described as a microbiological method that is both safe and non-polluting technique of disposal as well as recycling of organic wastes through the bioconversion of organic wastes to fertilizers….

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydroelectric Energy

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hydroelectric Energy

Hydroelectric energy is a renewable form of energy produced by the moving water. It comes from the Greek word” hydro” which means water. During the ancient times, water had been used to turn the turbines for grinding flours and bread. Many years passed, the water mills had become a common way in producing hydroelectric energy….

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

Advantages and Disadvantages of Nuclear Energy

The onset of the industrial revolution has demanded an increase of energy yearly. Originally, the source of energy is through the combustion of fossil fuels. However, its effect on the environment has also been increasingly questioned. Then, new energy sources are created which are renewable and safe such as hydroelectric, solar, and wind energy. Though,…

Advantages and Disadvantages of Biomass Energy

Advantages and Disadvantages of Biomass Energy

The Biomass is an organic matter that can be used as a source of energy. It is derived from the energy crops to agricultural residues and waste and from the living organisms. Examples of biomass sources are wood products, dried vegetarians, crop residues, aquatic plants, and much more. These are used to create a biofuel….

What is Rainwater Harvesting, its Importance and Various Methods to do it

What is Rainwater Harvesting, its Importance and Various Methods to do it

Rainwater harvesting is the storing of rainwater during the monsoon season for the purpose of using it during periods of water scarcity. Generally speaking, it is a process used for collecting and storing rainwater for human use. Rainwater harvesting is best described as the technique by which rain water is accumulated and stored with the…

Avoid These Common Home Heating Mistakes to Save Energy

Avoid These Common Home Heating Mistakes to Save Energy

We all like to think that we know our heating system inside out and that we know how to use it properly to get the best out of it and to keep our homes and families safe and warm. However, you may well be making one or more of these common – and potentially very…

Renewable Energy Myths Uncovered

Renewable Energy Myths Uncovered

Renewable energy is often pedalled as the best way to safeguard and power our planet in the future. But like every other environmental argument, it has its critics; critics who have continued to argue against the environmentally friendly method of sourcing power, stirring up common place myths about its potential to help our planet. To…

What is a Matter and What are Five Different States of Matter?

What is a Matter and What are Five Different States of Matter?

Matter is simply defined as anything that occupies space and has mass. In it a terminology widely used in physical science in the study of the properties and nature of energy and things in non-living systems. Matter is anything in the universe in the form of molecules, atoms, ions that make up all physical substances….