How Commercial Composting Works — First Reduce Your Food Waste!

How Commercial Composting Works — First Reduce Your Food Waste!

Composting is a true example of circular thinking, taking products from cradle-to-cradle by using food waste and other organic materials to fertilize plants naturally. However, while composting has been around for millennia, as societies have moved away from the rural living, the practice has fallen out of favor with individuals. Today, as cities grow and…

Composting as a Waste Recycling Technique

Composting as a Waste Recycling Technique

Recycling of organic waste for the purpose of improving crop productivity and for maintenance of soil quality is of very high economic importance. Composting can be described as a microbiological method that is both safe and non-polluting technique of disposal as well as recycling of organic wastes through the bioconversion of organic wastes to fertilizers….

The Importance of Recycling to the Environment

The Importance of Recycling to the Environment

Usually, recycling means turning used materials labelled as ‘Recyclable’ in a disposer container where these are meant to be taken and reuse as materials for new products. Recyclable products are used as the raw materials for new products. As the number of our natural resources is decreasing day by day and if this continues nothing…

Causes, Effects and Solutions of Ocean Acidification

Causes, Effects and Solutions of Ocean Acidification

When discussing environmental pollution, one may immediately refer to pictures of smog in China, litter in farm fields, or plastic rings in the oceans. Pollution takes on many forms besides simply air and land pollution. Pollution of the ocean is becoming a greater problem for our food web than many realize. The negative impact of…

30 Easy Ways To Stop Global Warming

30 Easy Ways To Stop Global Warming

Global warming is a serious issue affecting our world today. Modern society has become a wasteful society needlessly expending toxins into our air that contribute to climate change and environmental destruction. Global warming is caused by air pollution in the atmosphere that is similar to a sheet or a shield, in that the pollution is…